The Needles

The Needles are one of the UK’s most iconic landscapes and what comes into most people’s minds when they think about the Isle of Wight. A RIB Charter to the Needles is great fun on a calm day. 

A superb formation of three chalk rocks standing 30m proud at the Western end of the Isle of Wight. Standing guard next to the Needles is the Needles Lighthouse, built in 1859 and automated since 1984.

Getting to the Needles straight from Hamble Point will take you about an hour. We’d only advise you to make the trip if the sea is calm, otherwise, you may find the journey to be uncomfortable and a little wet.

Although it looks as though you may be able to pass between the rocks, don’t. There are submerged rocks and other obstacles that aren’t worth risking the insurance excess on!


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How long to get there

On a calm day it will take you about an hour to reach the Needles from Hamble Point Marina.

As they are quite exposed we suggest that if the sea state is not calm to give the Needles a miss.

Where to moor

It’s too deep to anchor at the Needles and it can be rather swelly.

Keep the RIB Solent side to take your photos.

Bluetooth Rib Charter The Needles
Full Day RIB Charter
Solent RIB charter Bluetooth

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